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Fire strategies


What is a fire strategy?


A fire strategy is required in every commercial building.


All employers need to ensure that their employees and any members of the public using the building are safe if there is a fire.



The best way to do this is to develop an effective fire strategy. This will set out a framework of precautions, plans and procedures detailing the best ways to keep everyone safe, such as using the fire exits, using fire extinguishers and calling the fire and rescue services, also particulars of both passive and active protective measures should be included.


The fire strategy should be a compilation of the above elements which allow the building to function as intended and safely in line with existing fire safety guidelines. All of this information should be provided in a reviewable and controlled documented report.


We offer a detailed fire strategy report so that everyone in your premises knows what to do in the event of a fire. We undertake fire strategies at the design or building stage or in existing buildings (retrospective).


Compliance London Ltd only use Ex-Fire Officers or experienced professionals holding at least a fire safety diploma (CFPA E Dip). This ensures that we can deliver reports that accurately reflect a fire strategy for your building that is fit for purpose.

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